
Ham-in-training and new members here. I've been frequently asking questions and getting great feedback here.

I asked PL-259/SO-239 vs N Type vs BNC when to use which? and found that while the tag for pl-259-so-239-connector exists, the ones for n-type-connector and bnc-connector do not yet exist. I don't have the reputation to create those tags yet, could someone please create them?


1 Answer 1


Done. Tags have to be on at least one question, so I added them to your question.

Note that tags should generally be broad enough to have plenty of content (compare Have a tag for every single device?) and rarely-occurring things are better handled by just being able to search for the terms. I'm slightly unsure about this family of tags, but I can imagine people asking questions about the specific connectors (crimping, identification of impedance, etc), so I think it's above the threshold.


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