There's always been a counter at the top of the page, and it seemed to indicate that there was something that needed to be reviewed, with the color indicating what. However, shortly after the roll-out of the new top bar, it seems to have settled on a lovely sienna, with the explanatory text "total posts awaiting review". For example, right now I see (I'm talking about the "21"):
Yet, there isn't actually anything for me to do. If I click it, I get:
There seems to be no action I can take to make this notification go away, and it's been there for weeks. Consequently, I've learned to ignore it.
Can this counter either go back to counting things I could do, or could it just go away entirely? It serves absolutely no purpose that I can find, except to remind me that "there are posts that are pending something, from someone", which is perpetually true, and thus irrelevant.
, see Review counts in the top-bar and /review don't match on Meta Stack Exchange. $\endgroup$